The sale of a property in Luxembourg is subject to the completion of a number of technical real estate diagnostics. Mandatory or strongly recommended, these controls are designed to guarantee the quality of the building (asbestos, lead and humidity) and its energy efficiency (Energy pass and BlowerDoor Test).
Controls On the Building Structure
Asbestos Diagnostic
Asbestos is a mineral fibre extremely dangerous for health: as it has been widely used for its technical performance before its ban in 2001, this diagnostic represents a guarantee of safety for future buyers. Since 2007, the Grand Duchy has even imposed a periodic inspection, to be carried out before and after works, in order to prevent risks in case the presence of this material is proven.
Lead Diagnostic
Even if it is not mandatory, as this diagnostic concerns a material that is also very toxic to human, it helps to comfort future buyers. Once popular for interior painting, it is banned in Luxembourg since 1949. It should be noted that this control must be carried out by qualified professionals.
Humidity Diagnostic
Here again, the humidity diagnostic, although non mandatory, can be beneficial to sellers if it proves the structure is healthy. Especially when one knows the extent of the damage that saltpetre can cause (in coverings, plasters, coatings, walls, ceilings), as well as dry rot fungi (on partitions, frames, baseboards, bricks and cement), not to mention the diseases frequently associated with the presence of humidity (rhinitis, asthma, bronchitis, etc.).
“It is better to carry out these technical diagnostics BEFORE the sale, or at the latest BEFORE the signature of the sale agreement, otherwise you might receive an administrative fine amounting to 250 € + 2 € per m²“.
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Energy Assessment
The Energy Performance Certificate
Mandatory for a sale since the Grand-Ducal regulation of 30 November 2007, the Energy Performance Certificate (CPE) or Energy Passport is drawing up an energy balance sheet for the building. It highlights the energy performance class, the thermal insulation class and includes the CO2 emissions. It should be noted that since 1 January 2017, new buildings must meet very strict requirements corresponding to almost zero energy consumption (NZEB Nearly Zero Energy Building), i.e. AAA class
The BlowerDoor Test
For existing buildings, the BlowerDoor Test is not mandatory, unless the owner wishes to apply for a bonus for the installation of mechanical ventilation. Before all, this diagnostic highlights possible air and water leaks and provides information on sound insulation. In new buildings, this control is mandatory and the rates obtained will help to categorize the dwelling: energy-efficient house without technical ventilation equipment, low-energy house “BBB” and passive house “AAA”.
All these technical real estate diagnostics must be requested by the owner of the property and carried out by qualified professionals. Their prices vary according to the geographical location of the property, its surface area and the options chosen by the owner – i.e. a request only for mandatory tests (CPE and asbestos) or also for those that are highly recommended (lead, humidity and BlowerDoor Test).