Real estate Luxembourg : news

Find our real estate advices, written in collaboration with the federation of the
Luxembourg Real Estate Chamber :

nuisances sonores

Noise Nuisance: I am a Tenant, What Can I Do?

If you are a tenant and a victim of noise nuisance, what can you do…

Our Advice to Maximize the Value of Your Property to Better Sell It | Blog Vivi

Our Advice to Maximize the Value of Your Property to Better Sell It

In order to seduce potential buyers more efficiently and to get the best price, your…

terrain pour construire maison

Choosing Land for Building: Our Tips

You’ve decided to build your own house! While this is the best way to have…

agrandissement maison

Home Extension: Everything You Need to Know

A new bedroom to welcome an additional family member, a larger living room to better…


nuisances sonores
Noise Nuisance: I am a Tenant, What Can I Do?

If you are a tenant and a victim of noise nuisance, what can you do…

Nos conseils pour décrypter une annonce de location immobilière
Deciphering a rental real estate listing: our advice

When searching for a rental, you know you must act quickly: the market is so…

projet logements abordables
All you need to know about affordable housing scheme

More and more households are facing difficulties in finding accommodation, with a saturated real estate…

Rental Property Investment in Luxembourg: Should You Furnish for More Profitability? | Blog Vivi
Rental Property Investment in Luxembourg: Should You Furnish for More Profitability?

Once you have bought your ideal property for investment in Luxembourg, there are still several…

Real Estate Prices Still Soaring | Blog Vivi
Real Estate Prices Still Soaring

+11.4% over a year: the latest Statec figures confirm an increase in housing prices in…

How to Rent Part of Your House | Blog Vivi
How to Rent Part of Your House

If you are already living in a house or apartment large enough to accommodate an…


terrain pour construire maison
Choosing Land for Building: Our Tips

You’ve decided to build your own house! While this is the best way to have…

Offer Lower than the Asking Price
Offering a Purchase Price Lower than the Asking Price: How to Try?

You just visited a property, and you are interested in it: is it reasonable to…

achat immobilier cash
The trend of cash real estate purchase: advantages and limitations

Difficulties in borrowing, tensions on the most sought-after properties, desire to save money: several reasons…

Réflexion pour un projet immobilier, faut-il acheter tout de suite ou attendre ?
Reflection for a Real Estate Project : Should You Buy Now or Wait?

You are considering making a real estate purchase: Is it in your best interest to…

Bëllegen Akt
Everything you need to know about the Bëllegen Akt, or tax credit on notarial deeds

If you’re planning to buy an apartment or a house in Luxembourg, you’ll most likely…

Acheter maintenant ou attendre que le prix baisse
To buy now or wait for prices to drop: what to do?

You have a clear real estate project in mind, perhaps you have even contacted your…

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Our tips for choosing the community of your dreams and making your home a cocoon