Landlord side

Rent in Luxembourg – Landlord side : find on the all the advice of our specialists to rent in the right conditions and in the rules.

Lessor: How to Maintain Good Relations with Your Tenants

Between a landlord and his tenants, relationships can quickly become complicated. As an owner, several…

bail de location
End of a Lease: How to Give Leave to a Tenant?

Rules relating to the termination of a lease differ according to the status of the…

impayés locataire
Unpaid Rent: How to Anticipate Issues and Deal with Them?

Among the landlord’s greatest fears when renting their apartment or house, we find naturally that…

locataire travaux
Repair and Renovation Works : What are the Landlord’s Obligations?

In the world of real property lease, many litigations are linked to a poor knowledge…

Définir le montant de son loyer
Determine the rent? What obligations for the owner?

Before communicating around your property to find a tenant (writing ads, making appointments for visits,…

Ways to choose your tenant, to avoid unpleasant surprises!

Unpaid bills, damage, nuisances in the neighbourhood: like all landlords, you fear the potential misfortunes…

contrat de location luxembourg
Everything you need to know about the rental contract: write it well and anticipate all situations

The rental contract or lease contract is your tool to protect you from possible abuses…

investissement locatif
How to choose the right rental property investment?

Investors are increasingly interested in rental property, which is considered to be a safe and…