Live well

Live well in Luxembourg: find on the all the advice of our specialists to buy in the right conditions and in the rules.

volet luxembourg
Shutters for All Tastes and Uses

Swing shutters or roller shutters protect your home from bad weather, light and intruders. They…

menuiserie luxembourg
Windows & Doors: How to Choose and Maintain your Interior Joinery

While playing a key role in the overall aesthetics of your future house, doors and…

cuisine luxembourg
How to Fit Your New Kitchen in 2019: Inspiring Trends

A new kitchen to fit in 2019? If you lack inspiration or if you are…

terrasse luxembourg
Terraces: a costly luxury item

In urban environments, a terrace is a sought-after item that contributes to give value to…

balcon luxembourg
Balconies Offer a Small Space but a Large Number of Possibilities

Even if the surface of a balcony is not considered in the calculation of the…