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Real estate sales: our advice to get off to a good start

Real estate sales: our advice to get off to a good start

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The sale of a property is an important stage in life and deserves careful consideration. If one does not embark on such a project without knowing precisely what the objective is, it is also important to anticipate the whole process. More concretely, to avoid being surprised by certain details, make this little thought before you even contact a real estate agency: it will help you to consider the sale more calmly, in all confidence.

Is this the right time to sell?

When we talk about “good time to sell”, we are referring to two important factors:

–  Your personal situation

– The current market

At first, the sale generally results from a major event in the owner’s life (marriage, divorce, birth, death, professional transfer, etc.). It then becomes obvious to the main people concerned. However, there are possible alternatives to selling for someone who does not yet feel ready. If everyone cannot afford to keep a property as a second home, renting it out can be interesting. Do not hesitate to ask for the advice of a real estate agency, to identify the direction to take in your case!

“There are possible alternatives to selling for someone who doesn’t feel ready yet. ”

The agency, in the same vein, will be able to tell you if the context is rather favourable to selling or not. Indeed, between variations in mortgage rates, seasons and changes in purchasing power, some periods are more favourable than others. In order to get the best price, try to position yourself at the right time.

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Can the property be sold in this way?

Once you have decided to sell, you must ask yourself if, as things stand at present, your property can appeal to visitors. Since you have to put all the chances on your side, a few inexpensive improvements can help you attract more visitors: repainting walls in white to increase the interior luminosity, removing decorative accessories that are too personal, removing clutter from living spaces, redoing old tile joints, etc.

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Once again, the real estate agent will be a valuable ally in this step. When he comes to estimate your property, he will identify all the elements likely to hinder potential buyers. Then, he will come back to you with tips to get around the small defects of your home and make it more attractive.

Is the chosen real estate agency competent and trustworthy?

Sales between private individuals, which some people prefer are still strongly discouraged: in such a complex administrative process, you will benefit from the support of professionals. Solicit an agency with which you feel comfortable, while ensuring that it is an expert and qualified contact in its field. To calm you down, you can ask the advice of relatives (and make word-of-mouth work) or compare with several interlocutors before making your decision.

“Solicit an agency with which you feel comfortable, while ensuring that it is an expert and qualified contact in its field. ”

Choose a professional who can assist you from the beginning to the end of the sale. He will help you gather all the necessary administrative documents necessary to valorise your property – and will do everything possible to maximize the chances of selling it at the best price as quickly as possible. Remember that we do not necessarily select the agency that makes the highest estimate, but rather the one that sets itself on an honest price range. In addition, the agency will have a perfect command of your file and can put you on the right track for each question.

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