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As Lockdown Is Easing, Here Are a Few Rules to Take into Account for Your Real Estate Project

As Lockdown Is Easing, Here Are a Few Rules to Take into Account for Your Real Estate Project

As Lockdown Is Easing, Here Are a Few Rules to Take into Account for Your Real Estate Project Blog Vivi

In a context of easing lockdown, the economy is gradually recovering in Luxembourg. But even if it is now possible to get out of home more and to take up different activities, we must also learn to live with the COVID-19 threat, which is still present. How do you consider your real estate project in the context of the epidemic, which is causing a great deal of anxiety? Here are a few tips to take things in hand, move forward and avoid exposing yourself (or your interlocutors) to the virus!

Adopt Barrier Gestures in All Circumstances

Regardless of your scheduled appointments, always keep a minimum distance when talking to someone, wear a mask and wash your hands as regularly as possible with soapy water or hydroalcoholic gel. All these reflexes must become part of your daily routine and, of course, you must maintain them when you have an appointment with your real estate agency, when you make a visit or when you go to the bank, for example.

Go Virtual Whenever Possible

You may have had to delay some appointments during lockdown: it is now possible to make them happen, if all the sanitary conditions are met. But when possible, always prefer virtual approaches. For example, appointments that do not require a signature can be arranged by videoconference or telephone. Also, if you see a real estate ad that interests you, start with a virtual visit before deciding on a physical appointment. This will allow you to reduce travel and have contact only when necessary.

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Whenever possible, always go virtual. »

Adapt Visits to The Sanitary Context

When visiting, come alone, so that there are as few people as possible inside the house or apartment. Touch surfaces only when necessary (you can open doors and closets, but avoid touching too many things). Wash your hands before and after the visit and, if you have them, you can wear protective gear such as overshoes. If you are visiting an occupied property, make sure you do so in the occupant(s) absence and ask them to leave as many doors open as possible before they leave, in order to limit physical contact with the handles. Whenever possible, use the stairs rather than the elevator.

Modify Organization of Inventory of Fixtures

Ideally, it is recommended to wait 48 hours after the departure of the tenants to organize the inventory of fixtures for the new occupant, in order to avoid transmissions between the former and new residents. Signatures can be done electronically or, if not done so, everyone should be asked to use their own pen. For an exit inventory of fixtures, the former tenant must clean the keys before handing them over (in a plastic bag) to the landlord.

“It is recommended to wait 48 hours after the departure of the tenants to organize the entry inventory of fixtures for the new occupant

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Ravalement de façade

Request Additional Time and Sign Electronically

When it comes to buying a property, it is more than ever recommended to take as many steps as possible remotely. Notaries, for example, have adapted to health regulations: they are offering more and more possibilities to sign at a distance, including for deeds of sale.

Besides, it is possible to request additional time in order to have a bank validation for a loan. The seller and the buyer can agree amicably in this respect, and estate agencies also remain available to advise their clients during this period, which is certainly complex, but not incompatible with a move and new life projects!

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