Since 2010, a directive effective at the European level has required all sellers to assess the energy performance of the property in order to sell it. In Luxembourg, for example, before selling a house or apartment, an energy efficiency passport is required. How to obtain this document? Is it free? What are the consequences of the diagnosis on sales?
What is the EPC?
The energy passport – or EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) gathers all the data relating to the energy consumption of a building. Developed to help homeowners identify insulation issues in order to better renovate their homes, it also provides information to future buyers at the time of sale. This document has been designed with accessibility in mind: everyone can understand it, and easily compare the performance of the different properties available for sale.
“Everyone can understand this, and easily compare the performance of the different properties available for sale.”
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Whenever a change of owner or tenant is envisaged for a dwelling, the EPC is one of the mandatory documents to be provided.
When to issue the energy pass?
The law requires that the energy passport be issued for the purpose of sale or rental. The passport must therefore exist at the time of the publication of the announcements in the communication media. Indeed, an announcement that does not refer to the Energypass can result in fines.
How to obtain an energy pass?
In Luxembourg, the EPC or CPE is governed by the Grand-Ducal Regulation amendment of 30 November 2017 on the theme of the energy performance of buildings. It can be issued by architects and consulting engineers, but also by all experts approved by the Ministry of Economy, a list of which is available on the Grand Duchy’s government website.
The energy performance certificate is provided by a professional as part of a service. The applicant will therefore have to pay the establishment costs, which vary from one person to another.
What does the CPE contain?
The Energy Performance Certificate classifies the property between A (highest rating) and I (lowest rating). It expresses three specific data:
– The need for primary energy;
– The need for heating;
– CO² emissions.
Many criteria are examined to quantify these three elements. For example, the thermal insulation of the building is carefully analysed, looking at the thickness of the walls, the waterproofing of the roofs or the presence of thermal bridges. In addition, we also look at the quality of ventilation, the performance of heating equipment and domestic hot water supply.
“The Energy Performance Certificate classifies the property between A (highest rating) and I (lowest rating).”
Today, even if you are issued a very low-rated energy efficiency passport, you have the right to sell. This document exists uniquely for information purposes.: it does not force anyone to undertake any renovation work. Nevertheless, potential buyers may be hampered by this criterion, at a time when consumers are increasingly vigilant about energy spending….
Is the energy classification a selling point?
Clearly, an energy-consuming dwelling will be worth less than a perfectly insulated one, falling into the “low consumption” category (with equal surfaces and characteristics). Since this information must appear in all real estate notices, , it is an integral part of the data that buyers compare before they even schedule visits. In short, an unfavourable diagnosis will probably be detrimental to you: you will have to revise the price downwards or carry out some renovation work to hope for a sale.