There are several solutions for investing your money, but which ones will allow you to claim the best returns? Even if you do not necessarily have the capacity to invest large sums each month, you can definitely embark on a savings project: various solutions may suit you, like real estate investment in Luxembourg.
Make the right move by using the mobile apps.
Some apps available on smartphones look like real financial assistants: they give you tips to help you put money aside, depending on your situation at the moment and your needs. If nothing prevents you from scheduling an automatic transfer from your current account to a savings account every month, this method may put you in difficulty during periods in which you have to spend more. For example, the use of a specific app will help you to put money aside in the most efficient way possible.
« The use of a specific app will permit you to put money aside in the most intelligent way possible »
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Investing in rental real estate
Did you know that it is possible to make a first investment in Luxembourg without even owning your main residence? In fact, banks can accept loan applications from people that still rent their own homes: they assume that that the rents perceived will help pay back the monthly payments. Ultimately, once the loan is fully reimbursed, you will receive rents that will become a source of complementary revenue. You may also choose to sell after a certain time, to receive capital (or even a capital gain).
« Banks can accept loan applications from people who still rent their own homes. »
Whatever strategies you develop for your real estate purchase in Luxembourg, it is a safe and sustainable method for savings, because stone remains a reference value that can be trusted.

La construction, l’achat, la rénovation voire la transformation d’un logement est un projet important. Une telle aventure, impliquant un investissement financier et personnel conséquent, mérite une préparation minutieuse et un partenaire financier de confiance. Les Conseillers Logement de Spuerkeess, Banque N°1 des prêts immobiliers, se tiennent à votre disposition pour déterminer, ensemble avec vous, un plan de financement sur mesure, parfaitement adapté à vos besoins.
Purchasing valuable objects
Provided that you have a minimum of knowledge in a particular domain, it is quite possible to purchase objects whose value may increase with time and sell them at a higher price, thus gaining money. This form of savings applies in particular to the domains of fine arts and oenology. Contemporary paintings may be purchased in hopes that the artist will progress and his market value increase but acquiring vintage wines that can be sold a few years or even decades later for a more consequent sum is also a possibility.
In order to avoid making bad strategic choices that will not produce added value, you must first know the products in question.
Seeking the advice of an expert
Experts specialized in consulting can help you find the best savings solutions based on your profile. Don’t hesitate to go to meet them to present your situation as well as your ambitions. They will try to propose solutions susceptible to generate the most money, without a financial effort that is too important (buy a small apartment on credit with a faible monthly reimbursement, for example).
It’s never too early to start a savings account or make your first real estate investment in Luxembourg: why not get started now? Surround yourself with professionals if you feel the need for help, in order to make the decisions that are the most relevant for you.
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