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What Works to Do in Your Property for Rent in Luxembourg?

What Works to Do in Your Property for Rent in Luxembourg?

What Works to Do in Your Property for Rent in Luxembourg | Blog Vivi

You have invested in an apartment that you wish to rent out: in order to easily seduce potential tenants, you need to make it attractive. So, if it is not a new home, some works can be useful to enhance the value of your property for rent in Luxembourg. Some of them are even compulsory: do not hesitate to ask a real estate agency in Luxembourg for advice on renting!

Real Estate Assets for Rent in Luxembourg: Your Obligations

If some works are still optional if you rent a studio in Luxembourg City, others are compulsory from a legal point of view. Indeed, as an owner-lessor, you have to offer the tenant an interior in good condition, complying with all legal requirements and representing no danger in the context of so-called “normal” use.

In this sense, you must ensure that everything works perfectly at the level of all the inlets and outlets of the water, the electrical and the heating systems. For example, there should be absolutely no risk of fire linked to a short circuit (or risk of carbon monoxide poisoning due to a poorly maintained boiler) for the occupants.

“You must ensure that everything works perfectly at the level of all the inlets and outlets of the water, the electrical and the heating systems.”

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During the course of the lease, if there are urgent works to be completed, you even have the right to requisition the property for a maximum of 40 days. The tenant cannot be “driven out” of his home for a longer period: if you exceed this period, he is entitled to demand a reduction of the rent.

Make the Difference between Works to Complete During the Lease and Works to Attract Tenants

If you ask the advice of a real estate agency in Luxembourg for the rental of your home, it will explain that some works remain the responsibility of the tenant throughout the lease. This is the case for minor repairs that are more maintenance than renovation (unclogging pipes, replacing worn joints, cleaning ventilation systems, etc.).

On the other hand, if your property is empty and you are looking for someone to occupy it, it is in your best interest to carry out the necessary works to make it more eye-catching and attractive, in order to increase your chances of finding someone quickly.

“It is in your best interest to carry out the necessary works to make it more eye-catching and attractive.”

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Tips to Enhance Your Apartment or Studio for Rent in Luxembourg  

The price of rental property in Luxembourg varies logically according to the condition of the apartment or house. So, if you undertake some inexpensive but rewarding work, you have every chance of being able to easily increase your rent. For example, in order to bring out the idea of a well-kept apartment, don’t hesitate to repaint the walls regularly, preferably with neutral, light colours, to create a feeling of greatness.

You can also put a new coating on floors that are too damaged, using PVC or vinyl, which are easy to maintain and available at all prices in DIY stores. Regarding comfort, the simple fact of replacing classic taps with mixer taps immediately gives a better impression, so never give up on those little details that can change everything!

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