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Deciphering a rental real estate listing: our advice

Deciphering a rental real estate listing: our advice

Nos conseils pour décrypter une annonce de location immobilière

When searching for a rental, you know you must act quickly: the market is so tight that landlords typically receive dozens of applications… Only the most responsive and diligent have a chance of being selected! While it’s necessary to act fast, you also shouldn’t overlook important details when reviewing available properties… Rely on our advice to easily decipher a real estate listing!

The rent: watch out for charges

The amount of rent naturally forms part of your initial selection criteria when renting a house or an apartment. But it’s an element that needs to be carefully deciphered in a real estate listing.

Indeed, monthly charges are added to this rent. These typically cover the expenses for maintaining common areas. Ask the landlord exactly what they include to avoid unforeseen expenses.

Parking: something to anticipate

Does the building in which you are considering renting an apartment have parking? If you have an allocated parking space, you know you can park your car there every day without a problem.

But if it’s an apartment without dedicated parking in the city center, it probably means you’ll have to bear additional expenses for parking. Whether it’s paid street parking or an additional parking rental, carefully check the parking conditions in the listing to make an informed decision.

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Energy performance: an important criterion in terms of expenses

A very well-insulated property will cost you much less in heating during winter than an older construction with poor energy efficiency. When deciphering a real estate listing, pay attention to the energy efficiency rating, as well as the rating for thermal insulation and greenhouse gas emissions.

All these criteria clearly indicate whether you will be moving into a well-insulated or poorly insulated property, energy-efficient or, conversely, very energy-consuming. Sometimes, it’s preferable to have a slightly higher rent for better thermal comfort… Rather than choosing a more affordable property that will cost much more in energy during winter.

The amount of security deposit: budgeting for move-in expenses

When you move into a new apartment, you pay a sum to the landlord as a security deposit. This will be refunded to you at the end of the lease, provided the property is returned in good condition, without any damages for which you may be held responsible.

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The amount of this deposit varies from one rental to another: it is, for example, higher for furnished rentals. While there is assistance available to finance this deposit in Luxembourg, make sure to inquire before renting to avoid putting yourself in a difficult situation.

“The amount of this deposit varies from one rental to another: it is, for example, higher for furnished rentals.”

Availability date: a detail that makes a difference

It’s not the element that’s often discussed… However, when you need to move, you also need to consider the date on which the property in question will be available. Indeed, if you have commitments, a property may become unappealing to you because it is available too late. Conversely, the landlord may also ask you to sign the lease earlier, and you may then risk having overlapping rents… Which can cost you money unnecessarily.

In just a few minutes, you can take the time to search for all this information on each rental listing you want to decipher. This way, you give yourself more chances of scheduling visits that perfectly meet your needs, and avoid unnecessary waste of time.

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