It is not always easy to find your real estate rental in Luxembourg: the market, which is rather tight, has more demands than offers. On the owners’ side, this context makes it possible to select the occupants who offer the best guarantees in order to sign a lease with complete confidence… But for those who are looking for an apartment, the process can quickly turn into a nightmare! To get out of the situation quickly and find the ideal home, here are some tips to start implementing now.
Create alerts on real estate portals
To consult all the rental offers likely to interest you, you logically choose to visit the real estate portals which contain a large number of announcements of all types.
But to save time, use targeted searches based on your own criteria: thus, the site will only present properties that correspond to your budget, your needs (in terms of space, services, number of rooms, etc.) and the desired location.
“To save time, focus on targeted searches based on your own criteria. “
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Finally, to be notified as soon as possible, as soon as an ad likely to interest you is posted online, configure alerts (always with your search criteria). This way, you will receive emails or notifications at the time of publication, which will give you the opportunity to contact the landlord quickly!
Go out on the field
To make your search a success, leave your computer screen and move to your future neighbourhood. Push the doors of real estate agencies, then detail your need: sometimes, some properties just left by the former tenant are not highlighted on the Internet. Of course, ideally, you should visit several or all agencies in the area to have a better chance of finding the rare pearl.
If you are not yet living in the city in question, try to anticipate this day in town in order to optimize your time. Arrange appointments in advance and make as many visits as possible. Since you are potentially in competition with other contenders on each rental, focus on the number of visits, try to create a good contact with the owner, inspire confidence and take the initiative to introduce yourself. This will reassure him!
“Since you are potentially competing with other contenders on each rental, bet on the number of visits.”
Present all requested documents during the visit
Several documents are included in a rental file: an identity document, a proof of resources such as the tax notice, pay slips for the last few months, the employment contract, etc. As soon as possible, scan and photocopy several copies of all the elements likely to strengthen your application: an employment contract for an indefinite period, a promise to hire, regular pay slips, your parents’ income (if you are still young and they agree to act as guarantors).
Some arrive at the visit without their file: you logically pass in front of them if you come with all the necessary papers, since you potentially save time to the owner. Moreover, having a digital version makes it easier for you to communicate with all the profiles: when you are faced with someone who does not want to bring back dozens of administrative documents with him, you can react and propose an immediate sending by email.
Finally, put all the chances on your side to find a rental in Luxembourg, by well- targeting your research, by not hesitating to take the first step in an agency – all this without forgetting to present a complete file for each property. And if you encounter difficulties, you can also ask for the help of a real estate agent for the entire prospective phase, until you move in.