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5 tips to secure a second home

5 tips to secure a second home

sécuriser résidence secondaire

More than one in 10 people fall victim to a burglary (or an attempted one) in Luxembourg every year, according to a recent STATEC study. Although anyone can be affected regardless of location or type of home, some profiles require increased vigilance.

This is particularly true for vacation homes: often left unoccupied, they naturally become prime targets for burglars. This is why you must absolutely protect your second home!

1. Never leave valuables behind in your absence

First and foremost, to protect your second home, here’s something you should never do: if you have valuable jewelry, large sums of cash, or sought-after electronics, do not leave them in your vacation home during long periods of absence.
Ideally, take everything with you that could attract potential thieves: phones, computers, jewelry, tablets, and other high-tech gadgets. If you must leave certain items at home that could be of interest to wrongdoers, make sure to find a good hiding place!

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2. Effectively deter burglars: locks and lighting

Several tips can help deter burglars and better protect your second home. For instance, invest in high-quality premium locks for all your entry points: if it takes too long to pick the locks, burglars are more likely to move on… Don’t forget: they’re always looking for quick and easy opportunities!
You can also install motion-activated outdoor lights, which can be particularly effective as a deterrent. Lastly, avoid letting hedges and trees overly conceal the entrance to your home, as burglars appreciate being hidden during a break-in.

3. Install an alarm

Both reassuring for you and a deterrent for burglars, an alarm is an essential tool to secure your second home. While an anti-intrusion alarm is already effective on its own, it becomes even more powerful when combined with other systems.
For instance, if you subscribe to a professional surveillance service, you also ensure the intervention of security personnel in the event of a break-in.
Don’t forget to place a sign outside your home to indicate that it’s alarm-equipped, for an even stronger deterrent effect.

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Find the second home of your dreams; get assistance from a real estate professional!

4. Install indoor and/or outdoor cameras

If you prefer a less expensive alternative to professional surveillance, you can opt for a connected alarm system that sends notifications to your phone. In this case, it will be up to you to contact the police if you see someone entering your home.
There is a wide range of connected cameras for both homes and gardens at various price points. For a second home that you can’t visit regularly, it’s best to avoid lower-end, less reliable models. If something goes wrong, you may not be able to immediately go to the property to fix the issue.
Make sure to choose a robust enough camera that ensures optimal long-term protection and stays reliably connected for several weeks or even months.

5. Protect yourself from fire risk too

While it’s essential to secure your second home against burglaries, it’s also wise to install a connected fire alarm. If a fire starts and isn’t detected early, it can quickly escalate into a serious fire with severe consequences.
If you opt to install a connected alarm, you’ll be able to contact the fire department as soon as it goes off, preventing the spread of the fire.

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